I Picture This enables people to look at art, share ideas and offer opinions. It provides an opportunity for people to get know each other better and have in-depth conversation. We make art accessible for people that would find it difficult to visit museums and galleries. We bring art to your care setting or community group.
Everyone should be able to enjoy looking at art. I Picture This uses art to bring people together through small group discussion sessions and resource packs for people to look through in their own homes.
Exploring art is something that anyone can do. We look at art for the enjoyment of it and for the shared experience. Like it, hate it, confused by it, amused by it? All responses are welcome.
To help people engage and interact, our educator-led sessions can include handling objects, music, stories or poetry to complement the artworks.
I Picture This enables people to share ideas, offer opinions, have meaningful personal interaction and build friendships.
"I don't think I would have shown any interest in those portraits whatsoever if I had seen them in a gallery, but Catherine made me see them in an entirely new way!"
"The small group format encourages conversation and it is just lovely getting to know people just that little bit better."
"Catherine has a wonderful talent for making art interesting! I love the way she relays information about each piece in such a natural and engaging way."
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